Action for Adolescent & Youth Organisation

About Us

The organization is a non-profit-making oriented Association to which no person shall have a legal claim of ownership but under the SOLE governance and guidance of the BOARD OF THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES.

The name of the body shall be ACTION FOR ADOLESCENT AND YOUTH ORGANIZATION (“hereinafter called the Non-Profitable Organization”) whose registered office shall be in Traditional Authority Kapeni, Blantyre District, Postal Address Box 24, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, or other place as the board of Trustees may select.

Our Objectives
  • Contributing towards achieving positive youth empowerment and development through meaningful engagement with youth and adolescent children along with their families, communities, and government so that they are empowered to reach their full potential. programs to the society.
  • To contribute towards reducing problems faced by the youth and adolescent children, women, men and the elderly Malawians through provision of support services, skills orientation, training, empowerment and also through dissemination of information on challenges faced by the community members to the wider world.
  • To enhance youth systematic approach programs to build positive youth development by increasing multiple stakeholders’ engagement.
  • To promote youth-led and youth-centered programs by empowering youth and adolescent children to take leading roles in all developmental and political programs.

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Mission statement

Contributing towards achieving positive youth empowerment and development through meaningful engagement with youth and adolescent children along with their families, communities, and government so that they are empowered to reach their full potential. .


To be a synergetic and recognized organization that develop lives of youth and adolescent children to positively bring diverse impacts to the community.

Our Catchment area

The Action for Adolescent and Youth Organization (AAYO) operates its projects across the country-in 28 districts of Malawi. The organization is currently doing child protection, gender, and livelihood and education projects within Blantyre City and Zomba District.